Four seasons of the BASSET
Vol 5
==== Autumn ====

Shadow in the shade

In the dark woods, we knew that summer have gone. I only keep standing there. My shadow pales in the shade of a tree.
2000. Fukushima.Japan

2000. Fukushima.Japan

I wait for a night. My shadow may be visit me at dead of a night. I will catch it in the gray of the morning.
2000. Fukushima.Japan

2000. Fukushima.Japan

Tiny pleasant thing
My tiny pleasure is walking on a hill with the Basset Hound. I wish I continue to walk from now on.
2000. Nagano.Japan

I want to be with them, and they also hope with me. Keep close to me...
2000. Nagano.Japan

A sky drew nearer.
2000. Nagano.Japan

I feel shade sorrow on the mountaintop, because we can't go up more.
2000. Nagano.Japan

2000. Nagano.Japan

Meet you again.
Run downhill in search of a repose. Always field try to prevent Basset from leaving.
2000. Fukushima.Japan

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