Four seasons of the BASSET
Vol 5
==== Winter ===

I'm wondering why we are wandering.
We took a trip for seeking our destination. As we have no map, we can only trace a path. Gale making us go astray. I will ask to BASSET where we are going.

Trailing sky by a gale.
2000. Nagano. Japan.

She has longing for the other side of the hill. But she will find only many hills again.
2000. Nagano. Japan.

Just we know that gale of winter calling us.
2000. Nagano. Japan.

We can enjoy walking a field everywhere everytime when we come with the BASSET together.
2000. Nagano. Japan.

A snowscape.

Dusky world is covered with snow. We can see only snow, woods, air and BASSET. I was aware the ground trembling by a snow. Everything crave a sunlight. The clouds are hanging thicker.

Walking in the snow.
2000. Yamanashi. Japan.

Dead twig clings my legs.
2000. Yamanashi. Japan.

Steep slope, tiredness, impatience.
2000. Yamanashi. Japan.

We can not find the end of the snow.
2000. Yamanashi. Japan.

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