Four seasons of the BASSET
Vol 6
==== Spring ====

Passed each other

We had meet the spring. Because spring must be looking for us. We went toward south, and came to a small wood. There are lot of cherry tree. But the cherry-blossom front had not arrive here. There are only dead trees.

Searching the woods for the spring.
2004. Shizuoka. Japan.

We found some frowers. Spring will not so far. Maybe it's under my shadow.
2004. Shizuoka. Japan.

Passed each other

We visit the seashore. We didn't find the spring there. Spring must be passed through overhead. Maybe spring visit our house just now.

We met the sea and the breeze and the sky there. They had whispering the mystic spell.
2004. Shizuoka. Japan.

The breeze told basset about the spring in a too gentle voice.
2004. Shizuoka. Japan.

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